
This document shows typical Topconfects usage with limma, edgeR, or DESeq2.

The first step is to load a dataset. Here, we’re looking at RNA-seq data that investigates the response of Arabodopsis thaliana to a bacterial pathogen. Besides the experimental and control conditions, there is also a batch effect. This dataset is also examined in section 4.2 of the edgeR user manual, and I’ve followed the initial filtering steps in the edgeR manual.





# Retrieve symbol for each gene
info <- 
        rownames(arab), "SYMBOL") %>%
    group_by(TAIR) %>% 
arab_info <- 
    info[match(rownames(arab),info$TAIR),] %>% 
    select(-TAIR) %>%
rownames(arab_info) <- rownames(arab)

# Extract experimental design from sample names
Treat <- factor(substring(colnames(arab),1,4)) %>% relevel(ref="mock")
Time <- factor(substring(colnames(arab),5,5))

y <- DGEList(arab,

# Keep genes with at least 3 samples having an RPM of more than 2
keep <- rowSums(cpm(y)>2) >= 3
y <- y[keep,,keep.lib.sizes=FALSE]
y <- calcNormFactors(y)

1 limma analysis

1.1 Standard limma analysis steps

We use the voom-limma method.

design <- model.matrix(~Time+Treat)
##   (Intercept) Time2 Time3 Treathrcc
## 1           1     0     0         0
## 2           1     1     0         0
## 3           1     0     1         0
## 4           1     0     0         1
## 5           1     1     0         1
## 6           1     0     1         1
fit <-
    voom(y, design) %>%

1.2 Apply topconfects

Find largest fold changes that we can be confident of at FDR 0.05.

confects <- limma_confects(fit, coef="Treathrcc", fdr=0.05)

## $table
##    confect effect AveExpr name      SYMBOL       
## 1  3.090   4.849  6.567   AT3G46280              
## 2  2.895   4.331  9.155   AT4G12500              
## 3  2.895   4.493  6.053   AT2G19190 FRK1/SIRK    
## 4  2.608   3.839  9.166   AT4G12490 AZI3         
## 5  2.608   3.952  6.615   AT1G51800 IOS1         
## 6  2.608   4.299  5.440   AT2G39530 CASPL4D1     
## 7  2.606   3.908  7.899   AT2G39200 ATMLO12/MLO12
## 8  2.606   3.710  8.729   AT5G64120 AtPRX71/PRX71
## 9  2.595   5.346  1.807   AT5G31702              
## 10 2.563   4.888  2.383   AT2G08986              
## ...
## 2184 of 16526 non-zero log2 fold change at FDR 0.05
## Prior df 18.2

Note: If not using voom or a similar precision weighting method, it may be important to use limma_confects(..., trend=TRUE) to account for a mean-variance trend, similar to how you would call limma::treat(..., trend=TRUE). You can check the need for this with limma::plotSA(fit).

1.3 Looking at the result

Here the usual logFC values estimated by limma are shown as dots, with lines to the confect value.


confects_plot_me2 produces a Mean-Difference Plot (as might be produced by limma::plotMD), and colors points based on thresholds for the confect values. Effect sizes confidently “> 0” correspond to traditional differential expression testing, and effect sizes confidently greater than larger values correspond to the TREAT test at that threshold. I have specified the breaks here explicitly, to aid comparison with other methods in similar plots below.

confects_plot_me2(confects, breaks=c(0,1,2))