Author: Martin Morgan (
Date: 7 September, 2015
Back to Workshop Outline

The material in this document requires R version 3.2 and Bioconductor version 3.1

    getRversion() >= '3.2' && getRversion() < '3.3',
    BiocInstaller::biocVersion() >= "3.1"

Overall workflow

  1. Experimental design
  2. Wet-lab preparation
  3. High-throughput sequencing
  4. Alignment
  5. Summary
  6. Statistical analysis
  7. Comprehension

Alt Sequencing Ecosystem


Two simple shiny apps

How Bioconductor helps


Standard (large) file input & manipulation, e.g., BAM files of aligned reads

Statistical analysis

Key resources

R refresher

Language and environment for statistical computing and graphics

Vector, class, object

Function, generic, method




if (test) {
    ## code if TEST == TRUE
} else {
    ## code if TEST == FALSE

Functions (see table below for a few favorites)

fun <- function(x) {
## list of length 5, each containsing a sample (with replacement) of letters
lets <- replicate(5, sample(letters, 50, TRUE), simplify=FALSE)
sapply(lets, fun)
## [1] 25 23 21 22 20

Introspection & Help




R vectors, vectorized operations, data.frame(), formulas, functions, objects, class and method discovery (introspection).

x <- rnorm(1000)                     # atomic vectors
y <- x + rnorm(1000, sd=.5)
df <- data.frame(x=x, y=y)           # object of class 'data.frame'
plot(y ~ x, df)                      # generic plot, method plot.formula
fit <- lm(y ~x, df)                  # object of class 'lm'
methods(class=class(fit))            # introspection
##  [1] add1           alias          anova          case.names     coerce         confint       
##  [7] cooks.distance deviance       dfbeta         dfbetas        drop1          dummy.coef    
## [13] effects        extractAIC     family         formula        hatvalues      influence     
## [19] initialize     kappa          labels         logLik         model.frame    model.matrix  
## [25] nobs           plot           predict        print          proj           qr            
## [31] residuals      rstandard      rstudent       show           simulate       slotsFromS3   
## [37] summary        variable.names vcov          
## see '?methods' for accessing help and source code
## Analysis of Variance Table
## Response: y
##            Df Sum Sq Mean Sq F value    Pr(>F)    
## x           1 963.82  963.82  3649.1 < 2.2e-16 ***
## Residuals 998 263.60    0.26                      
## ---
## Signif. codes:  0 '***' 0.001 '**' 0.01 '*' 0.05 '.' 0.1 ' ' 1
plot(y ~ x, df)                      # methods(plot); ?plot.formula
abline(fit, col="red", lwd=3, lty=2) # a function, not generic.method

plot of chunk unnamed-chunk-3

Programming example – group 1000 SYMBOLs into GO identifiers

## example data
fl <- file.choose()      ## symgo.csv
symgo <- read.csv(fl, row.names=1, stringsAsFactors=FALSE)
## 1   PPIAP28       <NA>     <NA>     <NA>
## 2     PTLAH       <NA>     <NA>     <NA>
## 3 HIST1H2BC GO:0000786      NAS       CC
## 4 HIST1H2BC GO:0000788      IBA       CC
## 5 HIST1H2BC GO:0002227      IDA       BP
## 6 HIST1H2BC GO:0003677      IBA       MF
## [1] 5041    4
## [1] 1000
## split-sapply
go2sym <- split(symgo$SYMBOL, symgo$GO)
len1 <- sapply(go2sym, length)          # compare with lapply, vapply
## built-in functions for common actions
len2 <- lengths(go2sym)
identical(len1, len2)
## [1] TRUE
## smarter built-in functions, e.g., omiting NAs
len3 <- aggregate(SYMBOL ~ GO, symgo, length)
##           GO SYMBOL
## 1 GO:0000049      3
## 2 GO:0000050      2
## 3 GO:0000060      1
## 4 GO:0000077      1
## 5 GO:0000086      3
## 6 GO:0000118      1
## more fun with aggregate()
head(aggregate(GO ~ SYMBOL, symgo, length))
##     SYMBOL GO
## 1    ABCD4 15
## 2    ABCG2 22
## 3      ACE 57
## 4 ADAMTSL2  6
## 5  ALDH1L2 11
## 6    ALOX5 19
head(aggregate(SYMBOL ~ GO, symgo, c))
##           GO                SYMBOL
## 1 GO:0000049  YARS2, YARS2, EEF1A1
## 2 GO:0000050              ASL, ASL
## 3 GO:0000060                 OPRD1
## 4 GO:0000077                 PEA15
## 5 GO:0000086 TUBB4A, CENPF, CLASP1
## 6 GO:0000118                  CIR1
## your own function -- unique, lower-case identifiers
uidfun  <- function(x) {
head(aggregate(SYMBOL ~ GO , symgo, uidfun))
##           GO                SYMBOL
## 1 GO:0000049         yars2, eef1a1
## 2 GO:0000050                   asl
## 3 GO:0000060                 oprd1
## 4 GO:0000077                 pea15
## 5 GO:0000086 tubb4a, cenpf, clasp1
## 6 GO:0000118                  cir1
## as an 'anonymous' function
head(aggregate(SYMBOL ~ GO, symgo, function(x) {
##           GO                SYMBOL
## 1 GO:0000049         yars2, eef1a1
## 2 GO:0000050                   asl
## 3 GO:0000060                 oprd1
## 4 GO:0000077                 pea15
## 5 GO:0000086 tubb4a, cenpf, clasp1
## 6 GO:0000118                  cir1

Case study: ALL phenotypic data

These case studies serve as refreshers on R input and manipulation of data.

Input a file that contains ALL (acute lymphoblastic leukemia) patient information

fname <- file.choose()   ## "ALLphenoData.tsv"
pdata <- read.delim(fname)

Check out the help page ?read.delim for input options, and explore basic properties of the object you've created, for instance…

## [1] "data.frame"
##  [1] "id"             "diagnosis"      "sex"            "age"            "BT"            
##  [6] "remission"      "CR"             ""        "t.4.11."        "t.9.22."       
## [11] "cyto.normal"    "citog"          "mol.biol"       "fusion.protein" "mdr"           
## [16] "kinet"          "ccr"            "relapse"        "transplant"     "f.u"           
## [21] "date.last.seen"
## [1] 127  21
##     id diagnosis sex age BT remission CR t.4.11. t.9.22. cyto.normal        citog
## 1 1005 5/21/1997   M  53 B2        CR CR  8/6/1997   FALSE    TRUE       FALSE      t(9;22)
## 2 1010 3/29/2000   M  19 B2        CR CR 6/27/2000   FALSE   FALSE       FALSE  simple alt.
## 3 3002 6/24/1998   F  52 B4        CR CR 8/17/1998      NA      NA          NA         <NA>
## 4 4006 7/17/1997   M  38 B1        CR CR  9/8/1997    TRUE   FALSE       FALSE      t(4;11)
## 5 4007 7/22/1997   M  57 B2        CR CR 9/17/1997   FALSE   FALSE       FALSE      del(6q)
## 6 4008 7/30/1997   M  17 B1        CR CR 9/27/1997   FALSE   FALSE       FALSE complex alt.
##   mol.biol fusion.protein mdr   kinet   ccr relapse transplant               f.u date.last.seen
## 1  BCR/ABL           p210 NEG dyploid FALSE   FALSE       TRUE BMT / DEATH IN CR           <NA>
## 2      NEG           <NA> POS dyploid FALSE    TRUE      FALSE               REL      8/28/2000
## 3  BCR/ABL           p190 NEG dyploid FALSE    TRUE      FALSE               REL     10/15/1999
## 4 ALL1/AF4           <NA> NEG dyploid FALSE    TRUE      FALSE               REL      1/23/1998
## 5      NEG           <NA> NEG dyploid FALSE    TRUE      FALSE               REL      11/4/1997
## 6      NEG           <NA> NEG hyperd. FALSE    TRUE      FALSE               REL     12/15/1997
##    F    M NA's 
##   42   83    2
##    Mode   FALSE    TRUE    NA's 
## logical      69      24      34

Remind yourselves about various ways to subset and access columns of a data.frame

pdata[1:5, 3:4]
##   sex age
## 1   M  53
## 2   M  19
## 3   F  52
## 4   M  38
## 5   M  57
pdata[1:5, ]
##     id diagnosis sex age BT remission CR t.4.11. t.9.22. cyto.normal       citog mol.biol
## 1 1005 5/21/1997   M  53 B2        CR CR  8/6/1997   FALSE    TRUE       FALSE     t(9;22)  BCR/ABL
## 2 1010 3/29/2000   M  19 B2        CR CR 6/27/2000   FALSE   FALSE       FALSE simple alt.      NEG
## 3 3002 6/24/1998   F  52 B4        CR CR 8/17/1998      NA      NA          NA        <NA>  BCR/ABL
## 4 4006 7/17/1997   M  38 B1        CR CR  9/8/1997    TRUE   FALSE       FALSE     t(4;11) ALL1/AF4
## 5 4007 7/22/1997   M  57 B2        CR CR 9/17/1997   FALSE   FALSE       FALSE     del(6q)      NEG
##   fusion.protein mdr   kinet   ccr relapse transplant               f.u date.last.seen
## 1           p210 NEG dyploid FALSE   FALSE       TRUE BMT / DEATH IN CR           <NA>
## 2           <NA> POS dyploid FALSE    TRUE      FALSE               REL      8/28/2000
## 3           p190 NEG dyploid FALSE    TRUE      FALSE               REL     10/15/1999
## 4           <NA> NEG dyploid FALSE    TRUE      FALSE               REL      1/23/1998
## 5           <NA> NEG dyploid FALSE    TRUE      FALSE               REL      11/4/1997
head(pdata[, 3:5])
##   sex age BT
## 1   M  53 B2
## 2   M  19 B2
## 3   F  52 B4
## 4   M  38 B1
## 5   M  57 B2
## 6   M  17 B1
tail(pdata[, 3:5], 3)
##     sex age BT
## 125   M  19 T2
## 126   M  30 T3
## 127   M  29 T2
## [1] 53 19 52 38 57 17
## [1] M M F M M M
## Levels: F M
head(pdata[pdata$age > 21,])
##      id diagnosis sex age BT remission CR t.4.11. t.9.22. cyto.normal        citog
## 1  1005 5/21/1997   M  53 B2        CR CR  8/6/1997   FALSE    TRUE       FALSE      t(9;22)
## 3  3002 6/24/1998   F  52 B4        CR CR 8/17/1998      NA      NA          NA         <NA>
## 4  4006 7/17/1997   M  38 B1        CR CR  9/8/1997    TRUE   FALSE       FALSE      t(4;11)
## 5  4007 7/22/1997   M  57 B2        CR CR 9/17/1997   FALSE   FALSE       FALSE      del(6q)
## 10 8001 1/15/1997   M  40 B2        CR CR 3/26/1997   FALSE   FALSE       FALSE     del(p15)
## 11 8011 8/21/1998   M  33 B3        CR CR 10/8/1998   FALSE   FALSE       FALSE del(p15/p16)
##    mol.biol fusion.protein mdr   kinet   ccr relapse transplant               f.u date.last.seen
## 1   BCR/ABL           p210 NEG dyploid FALSE   FALSE       TRUE BMT / DEATH IN CR           <NA>
## 3   BCR/ABL           p190 NEG dyploid FALSE    TRUE      FALSE               REL     10/15/1999
## 4  ALL1/AF4           <NA> NEG dyploid FALSE    TRUE      FALSE               REL      1/23/1998
## 5       NEG           <NA> NEG dyploid FALSE    TRUE      FALSE               REL      11/4/1997
## 10  BCR/ABL           p190 NEG    <NA> FALSE    TRUE      FALSE               REL      7/11/1997
## 11  BCR/ABL      p190/p210 NEG dyploid FALSE   FALSE       TRUE BMT / DEATH IN CR           <NA>

It seems from below that there are 17 females over 40 in the data set, but when sub-setting pdata to contain just those individuals 19 rows are selected. Why? What can we do to correct this?

idx <- pdata$sex == "F" & pdata$age > 40
## idx
##   108    17
## [1] 19 21

Use the mol.biol column to subset the data to contain just individuals with 'BCR/ABL' or 'NEG', e.g.,

bcrabl <- pdata[pdata$mol.biol %in% c("BCR/ABL", "NEG"),]

The mol.biol column is a factor, and retains all levels even after subsetting. How might you drop the unused factor levels?

bcrabl$mol.biol <- factor(bcrabl$mol.biol)

The BT column is a factor describing B- and T-cell subtypes

##  [1] "B"  "B1" "B2" "B3" "B4" "T"  "T1" "T2" "T3" "T4"

How might one collapse B1, B2, … to a single type B, and likewise for T1, T2, …, so there are only two subtypes, B and T

##  B B1 B2 B3 B4  T T1 T2 T3 T4 
##  4  9 35 22  9  4  1 15  9  2
levels(bcrabl$BT) <- substring(levels(bcrabl$BT), 1, 1)
##  B  T 
## 79 31

Use xtabs() (cross-tabulation) to count the number of samples with B- and T-cell types in each of the BCR/ABL and NEG groups

xtabs(~ BT + mol.biol, bcrabl)
##    mol.biol
##   B      37  42
##   T       0  31

Use aggregate() to calculate the average age of males and females in the BCR/ABL and NEG treatment groups.

aggregate(age ~ mol.biol + sex, bcrabl, mean)
##   mol.biol sex      age
## 1  BCR/ABL   F 39.93750
## 2      NEG   F 30.42105
## 3  BCR/ABL   M 40.50000
## 4      NEG   M 27.21154

Use t.test() to compare the age of individuals in the BCR/ABL versus NEG groups; visualize the results using boxplot(). In both cases, use the formula interface. Consult the help page ?t.test and re-do the test assuming that variance of ages in the two groups is identical. What parts of the test output change?

t.test(age ~ mol.biol, bcrabl)
##  Welch Two Sample t-test
## data:  age by mol.biol
## t = 4.8172, df = 68.529, p-value = 8.401e-06
## alternative hypothesis: true difference in means is not equal to 0
## 95 percent confidence interval:
##   7.13507 17.22408
## sample estimates:
## mean in group BCR/ABL     mean in group NEG 
##              40.25000              28.07042
boxplot(age ~ mol.biol, bcrabl)

plot of chunk ALL-age