miloR 2.3.0
Milo is a tool for analysis of complex single cell datasets generated from replicated multi-condition experiments, which detects changes in composition between conditions. While differential abundance (DA) is commonly quantified in discrete cell clusters, Milo uses partially overlapping neighbourhoods of cells on a KNN graph. Starting from a graph that faithfully recapitulates the biology of the cell population, Milo analysis consists of 3 steps:
In this vignette we will elaborate on how these steps are implemented in the miloR
For this demo we will use a synthetic dataset simulating a developmental trajectory, generated using dyntoy.
data("sim_trajectory", package = "miloR")
## Extract SingleCellExperiment object
traj_sce <- sim_trajectory[['SCE']]
## Extract sample metadata to use for testing
traj_meta <- sim_trajectory[["meta"]]
## Add metadata to colData slot
colData(traj_sce) <- DataFrame(traj_meta)
colnames(traj_sce) <- colData(traj_sce)$cell_id
redim <- reducedDim(traj_sce, "PCA")
dimnames(redim) <- list(colnames(traj_sce), paste0("PC", c(1:50)))
reducedDim(traj_sce, "PCA") <- redim
For DA analysis we need to construct an undirected KNN graph of single-cells. Standard single-cell analysis pipelines usually do this from distances in PCA. We normalize and calculate principal components using scater
. I also run UMAP for visualization purposes.
logcounts(traj_sce) <- log(counts(traj_sce) + 1)
traj_sce <- runPCA(traj_sce, ncomponents=30)
traj_sce <- runUMAP(traj_sce)